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Smite Page 3

  An athletic and statuesque angel who Gabe had only seen once or twice before, walked over to the group. “Sir, are you ready?”

  Raphael turned to him, in a nonchalant dismissive manner. “Just give me one minute.” Then he rolled his eyes back to Gabe. “They have me training a rookie. Have you met this angel before?”

  “No, I don’t think I have.” He took the hand of the angel and shook very casually.

  A fan boy smile spread across the angel’s face, and his nervousness was evident in how jittery he was as he shook Gabe’s hand. “My name is Jeremiah, and I’m a big fan sir. I told Raphael here that I’m training to be just as tough as the magnificent seven.”

  Gabe chuckled. “With enough hard work, I’m sure you will be even tougher.”

  Raphael frowned, “Get out of here. I told him he has a long way to go. He’s only around two hundreds years old.”

  “Do you remember how many demons we slayed around that age?” Gabe asked with a childlike grin.

  “Thousands and close to millions,” Raphael declared with a wave of his hands. “That’s why I told him to get out of here.” Then he took a step into the elevator, and motioned for Jeremiah to follow. “Anyways Gabe, I’ll see you later. May God be with you.”

  “You too brother,” He yelled as he turned his tracks back to Evelyn.

  Gabe strode down the hall of ascension through glittering gold portals, and into the boundless, softly echoing entrance hall of the Dominion’s office. As usual, it was brimming with angels zooming back and forth.

  Everyone here was beautiful, poised, and well dressed in immaculate grey suits. Gabe looked like an anomaly with his long camel coat, black sweater, jeans, and Chelsea boots.

  Fortunately, for him his habit to be unorthodox was admired by his superiors, even to those who sat on the highest choirs, near the throne of the Creator.

  A smooth marble floor veined with gold laid under his feet. Stretching high above was a twinkling crystal roof that shined brightly from the light beaming from his left, out of twenty-foot-high arched windows.

  Gabe looked over to his left as he always did, to admire the boundless garden of Eden that many of the citizens of Heaven meander upon first arrival. A quiet river flowed through the garden and made the SMITE headquarters feel like the most blissful location in Heaven.

  Quietly he smiled to himself. Heaven was a true wonder to come back to after a battle or mission on Earth. This was his sanctuary, but for every man and woman on Earth, this was their dream. Unfortunately, the archangel knew few would get to experience the joy of Heaven, and he truly pitied those unlucky individuals. This was an eternal home where peace reigned supreme, joy danced through the air, and the love of the Creator was inescapable like sunshine.

  The bright smell of eucalyptus hung in the air as the rejoicing angels cooed faintly in the background. Gabe could feel his power surge. It was good to be home if even for a moment.

  To be away from the light of the Creator is like a phone battery waning in charge. The world of man was harsh, stricken with difficulties and plagued with negative emotions. The longer an angel stayed on Earth, the more likely they succumb to fear, doubt, and sinful desires. All of these emotions are opposite to the source of their strength, faith.

  This was unknown in the beginning and that’s why so many of Gabe’s brothers and sisters fell and renounce their duties, to live in the world of men.

  Gabe did not understand this. Of all the archangels he was one of the youngest in the magnificent seven, the most jovial, and he truly loved the humans because he knew his father does too, but he did not want to be them. Negative emotions are worse than any poison to an archangel, and that’s why missions and trips are regulated with frequent reports and check ins.

  Just before he reached the glass doors of the Dominion office, he walked around the towering central fountain. A massive sculpture of an archangel stood in the center, with his sword raised high, and his foot on the enemy. Under the angel’s feet in the rustling water, shimmered elegant golden patterns of Angelic mosaics.

  “Gabe, where have you been big dog? We’ve been looking for you?” A husky voice called from the opposite door of the Dominion’s office.

  Gabe matched eyes with Kevin, a tech genius on Earth, who only having recently ascended to Heaven became the head of SMITE’S Techie Team.

  The archangel reached over to pull the genius into a half hug/handshake, and Kevin awkwardly fumbled as usual. Although Kevin lived to be seventy-six years old, he appeared as his thirty-two year-old pudgy, and vibrant self in Heaven.

  “I was on mission on Earth,” Gabe responded as he patted the angel. “What’s going on?”

  Kevin’s eyes brimmed with worry. “Man, it’s been crazy around here trying to restore the system. I don’t think SMITE was ready for a breach this big.”

  Gabe patted his shoulder. “I’m sure you can handle it. This gives you the opportunity of building this new system you’ve been proposing to the upper choir.”

  Kevin thought about it for a moment then agreed. “Yeah, that’s true. Just so you know there has been talk in the back alleys of Heaven.”

  The archangel leaned over. “What did you hear?”

  “They’re saying it was an inside job, by one of the agents with Power status.”

  Gabe shot him a look of uncertainty, “I doubt that.” Then he considered the idea for a moment, and decided not to dismiss it so quickly. He wondered to himself who would risk having their grace taken for such a treasonous act. “But I will find out. I’m about to get briefed by Evelyn.”

  “She seems pissed,” Kevin added.

  “Tell me about it,” Gabe agreed then he turned to enter the office.

  “Oh yeah, Gabe!” Kevin called back.

  The archangel whirled over his shoulder and beautiful sunlight caught his perfectly curled wooly hair, and for a moment Kevin’s words caught in his throat as he like many was stunned by the archangel’s statuesque good looks.


  Kevin shook himself out of a daze. “ I’ve upgraded the weapon system on The Ark. You should check it out.”

  The archangel’s eyes lit up with glee. “Did you give me missiles?”

  Kevin shook his head. “Yes I did.”

  “My man!” Gabe shouted as he walked through double doors.

  After being delayed, he realized Evelyn would be furious by the time he got there, so he wasted no time in entertaining any more conversations. In a hurry, he strolled past several desks, and walked directly into Evelyn’s office. Before he could reach to close the door, Evelyn commenced with the lashing.

  “Gabriel, I didn’t grant you Power status so you can blow up Midtown and risk human lives all over New York.

  Gabriel opened his arms, “Ev, you are looking lovely today.

  Evelyn sucked her teeth. “Can it Gabriel. Tell me what happened?”

  A megawatt smile plastered his face. He knew his charm was the only thing that could calm Evelyn when she felt like being a dragon. “I’m sorry love, but I had to make my escape. I got the girl, and she’s safe. That’s all that matters.”

  She pursed her lips, “Umm hmm, well tell me who she is? Give me a report.”

  “Nia Carter. The League was after her.”

  Evelyn gasped, “If the League was after her….that means Legion wants her.” She paused for a moment to ponder, her hand grasping her chin. The archangel could see the peril, and the wheels churn behind her almond eyes. “Gabriel, it’s imperative you keep her safe.”

  “Don’t worry I got her,” Gabe reassured.

  Evelyn snapped her fingers then turned to an angel passing by, “Find out everything you can about Nia Carter. I need to know why Legion wants her.”

  Trembling in nerves, the angel nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Evelyn turned to Gabe, “I wonder if there is any connection with her and the staff.”

  “I don’t think so ma’am,” Gabriel said. He clapped his hands. “So is
there anywhere I can drop her off? Time is ticking and I have to pick up the trail behind our thief.”

  “No,” Evelyn muttered. “There is only a handful of archangels on earth, and even less Anointed. The powerful ones we do have, already have their hands full with Asmodeus. You must keep her close but don’t let the girl jeopardize your mission.”

  Gabriel nodded, “I understand.”

  “It’s been one whole day since the staff of Moses was stolen from SMITE’s weapon vault and we don’t have a clue on who has it. We need to get that staff back ASAP before it falls into Legion’s hands or anyone else. We also need to find out how in the hell they got it out of here.”

  Rumors had been flying around like panicked birds, and there was a spirit of confusion in the office. Such a breach has never happened in SMITE headquarters and Evelyn demanded answers.

  The thief was a whisper in the dark night, a loose thread hanging from the hem of a well-crafted garment, and a thorn that pricked Evelyn’s side immensely. SMITE operatives ran security footage. And when the footage failed to produce a culprit, they searched for answers the old fashioned way, with pressing all of the agents on duty about what they had seen or heard.

  Evelyn monitored the search for the missing staff from the comfort of her office, the finest office in all the kingdom of Heaven, with its view of the Eden garden, its enormous mahogany desk used by all of the dominions before her, its large windows overlooking the Jordan. With such great power, came a feeling of helplessness, and Evelyn, the dominion, fell to its mercy. As the search for the culprit continued futilely, and pressure mounted down from the upper choir of angels, her mood grew thorny.

  “Has anyone seen anything? “Gabe asked.

  “Not one thing. We are blinded up here. That’s why I need you on earth.” Evelyn paced the floor, hand resting under her chin, with a deep look of concern on her face. It was very rare for Gabe to see her like this. There had only been two times he had seen her look so concerned; the great rebellion and the battle of the seals.

  Evelyn turned back to Gabe, “Go back and talk to the prophet Mei Ling. She was the one who lead you to the girl, see if you can get you the staff this time.”

  “Will do.”

  Evelyn’s face became more grave than angry. “Do I need to remind you how dangerous that staff is?”

  “No ma’am, you don’t.”

  “It’s as powerful as a word from the Creator. I’m talking plagues, miracles, a whole city being buried under water. The damage that staff could do is limitless, it's only limit is the will of the user. Don’t forget we had to send your brother…. Michael down there to take the staff back himself once we realized how powerful it was in the hand of mortals. That was an order that came from the uppermost choir,” She said as she pointed upwards. “The thrones themselves!”

  Gabe sighed, “I remember.”

  Evelyn pointed a blood red stiletto nail at him, “Get that staff back.”

  “I will,” Gabe assured.

  “Listen Gabe—” Evelyn started as she looked the archangel dead in his eyes. “Get that staff back!”

  Gabe nodded. “I won’t fail,” he said as he turned to leave.

  “And Gabe,” Evelyn called.

  Gabe looked over his shoulder.

  “Try not to blow anything up.”

  Gabe sneered like a devil, “No promises.”

  When he got back on the elevator, he descended back to Earth, and Nia resumed talking. She paused and looked around. Something was off. “What just happened?”

  Gabe grinned, “You said you need to call your father right?”

  “Yeah,” Nia responded with her voice uncertain.

  Gabe pushed a button on the dash panel of The Ark and out came a phone. “Go ahead love.”

  Nia dialed her father while Gabe pulled off from the pier. After three rings, he picked up.

  Pops looked down at the phone and sighed. “What’s going on baby girl?”

  Nia’s heart lurched. “Pop where are you?”

  “On my way to work. Why?”

  “Thank God,” Nia said as she raised her hands to the sky. She turned back to the phone. “Look don’t go back home. It’s not safe.”

  “Not safe? What are you talking about?”

  “Some bad guys are looking for me.”

  Pops moaned, “Don’t tell me you’ve gotten yourself into trouble.”

  “No…. nothing like that,” Nia started. She looked out the window, trying to think of a good lie. “I’m a witness to a crime.”

  “A witness? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Yeah, I’m with the cops right now,” She said as looked at Gabe. “They say it’s not safe for me or you to go home. So just stay at work until I get back.”

  Pops could tell Nia was lying. “Uh huh,” he moaned. “I’ll see you in the morning baby girl.”

  “Goodnight. “Nia was so relieved. It was one thing to lose a mom, but she didn’t want to lose her dad as well. She hung up the phone and turned to Gabe.

  His eyes studied the road as they motored back into the city, towards a bar called Afterlife. It was a place where all the supernatural beings coexisted and a place he knew he could find the prophet Mei Ling. As the streetlights filled the car while he drove by, Gabriel looked over to Nia.

  “Everything work out?” He asked with a concerned brow.

  Nia nodded, “He’s at work and so he’s not at home. Do you think they will go looking for him?”

  “He’ll be fine. Have a little faith,” Gabe said with a thousand-watt smile.

  Try as she may, Nia couldn’t help but to smile back. “I’ll try.”

  As her adrenaline settled, she realized she was stuck with this perfect being. A creature modeled after God’s very own heart. Perfection made flesh without any of the sin or selfishness. That intrigued her along with the car. “You know for an old school caddy this car has a lot of get up and go.”

  “This just isn’t a regular Cadillac. This is The Ark.”

  The Ark was given to him from the SMITE arsenal. It came with many advantages such as an inconspicuous color, the ability to transform its exterior and interior appearance to reflect needed protective measurements, turbo boosters, flight, the ability to camouflage itself, and a built in light core. With the built in light core engine and Gabe’s Power status decal, The Ark traveled beyond human perceptions and limitations of space and time.

  “The Ark?” Nia asked.

  “A vessel to preserve life and transport anywhere in time and space.”

  Nia laughed, “Time and space? You racking up miles like the Delorean in this thing?”

  “Where do you think the Delorean came from?” He asked with his voice filled with a whimsical sarcasm. “It’s called divine inspiration Ms. Carter”

  “I guess,” Nia said with a shrug. She sunk down in her seat and studied him closer. “I bet there are many things about you that are divine.”

  “More than you can imagine.” He said with his white teeth gleaming in the darkness.

  Nia arched a brow. “So… archangel?”

  “Yes, with Power status. We are an elite team of warrior angels permitted to do co-op missions against high ranking evil throughout time and space.”

  “So it’s like you are a part of the CIA for Heaven. Better yet, a spy from M16.”

  Gabe glanced from the road, “Sort of.”

  Nia nodded, “I can dig it.” She said before bursting out into laughter.

  “You can choose not to believe me if you want to, but you better believe the danger you're in is real.”

  “Whatever you say man. I don’t believe in Angels.”

  Gabriel raised his brow and turned to her, “Why is that?”

  Nia pursed her lips, trying to decide her best response.

  “Well I prayed for one. I prayed for someone…God or an angel to save my mom when she was dying of breast cancer, but nothing ever came. We spent months going back and forth to the hospital. My
father working his hardest trying to scrape up whatever money he could get to cover her treatment. Hell we are still trying to pay those bills! I had to watch every strand of hair fall off her head, and all the light inside of her dwindle. She died so slowly and painfully before my very eyes. Still she never lost her faith in her God. What kind of God would allow her to suffer like that?”

  Gabe’s smile faded.“I’m sorry to hear that.” He went silent as a question came to him. “So tell me Nia, what do you believe in?”

  “What do I believe in?” She repeated. “I believe in getting this bread. If I want something then I have to work hard for it. Nobody is going to help me. That’s what my father taught me. Outside of that, nothing.” She glanced back out the window.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Gabe said solemnly. “Perhaps I might help you find you something to believe in, love.” He looked over and bewitched her once again with a raised brow. “Just think of our time together as an adventure. And in this adventure you might find the smallest seed of faith. A seed you might’ve lost a long time ago.”

  Nia faced forward. “We’ll see.”

  Tense silence filled the car. Often Gabe had found it hard to feel for the humans. He was created to serve and fight. Often that meant he spent most of his time on Earth smiting demons and killing people. As an archangel who held Power status, the license to smite at will and travel as needed, it was his job to be as unbothered about death as a surgeon in an operating room. If it happened, it happened so be it. Regret was blasphemy and unprofessional.

  Nia turned to him. “Are you British?”

  “No. The last time I came to Earth I was in London so I just picked up the accent.”

  “Really son, you can pick up any accent?”

  “Yeah son any accent.” He said like a New Yorker.

  Nia smiled. “Okay, I think you should keep that. British accent was a little too lame. The Brooklyn accent is a good look for you.”

  “Maybe I will.” He reasoned as he continued to navigate the Ark through the city.

  Chapter Three