Smite Read online

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  This speech became routine to Nia. “I know,” she said, robbing him of the final word. “ But who will take care of you?”

  “Say what? I’m a grown ass man. I can take care of myself,” Pops declared. “What you need to do is stop smoking all that stuff, study for your GED, and get out of the projects.”

  “Yeah, I know you keep saying that.”

  “That’s all I ever wanted you to do,” Pops said, his voice returning to a smooth baritone as he finished a swig of his beer. “Get out of Brooklyn. There is a big world out there. Do you hear me?”

  Nia fidgeted with her high bun, “Yes I hear you.”

  “Have a good night, sweetheart.”

  “Bye Pop. I have to go now. I love you!” she said as she smoothed loose hairs back into the bun.

  Nia took a quick look in the break room mirror, blew a kiss at her reflection, and headed back out to the floor.

  After a grueling nine-hour shift, the number of customers dwindled down, and the Black Friday sale was soon over. The vast showrooms were tidy again, most of the floors were dark and silent, while a few lights shined on the main floor.

  Old man Willie, the head of security, sat in his chair by the main door, puzzle book and flask by his side. Jerrell and Nia were the only employees left to close the store. Nia walked to the back room to find Jerrell checking his phone.

  Jerrell looked up, “Son, I’m so ready to roll up out of here.”

  Nia huffed, “For real. Me too,” she said as she dropped her bags.

  Jerrell reached into his pockets. “You trying to hit this?” he asked as he dangled a small bag of weed.

  Nia snickered, “Right now?”

  Jerrell nodded, “Hell yeah. Let’s go out back.”

  Jerrell lead the way out and Nia followed. Soon they were rolling up and letting all of their troubles blow into the wind. Jerrell passed the blunt to Nia and grinned as he admired her features under the dim light of the back alley.

  Nia stood under him around 5’9. She was taller than most girls in their old high school and he liked that. He had always had a thing for Nia, ever since they met in middle school. Still to this day he remembered all the times he watched her from afar as she laughed and giggled during track practice, or lashed out in anger in one of her volley ball games.

  Nia’s eyes always glittered with confidence, it was something that intensified his jones for her along with everything else. From her magnificent almond brown skin, to her voluminous raven colored tresses. Her curly hair was like a personal signature. Every day her curls looked as if she had just stepped out of the shower by the way they glistened. Whenever she smiled, you could see her dime size dimples sticking out of the corners of her mouth. And her face with those striking Jamaican features was to die for.

  Jerrell leaned over, “You know I’m feeling you right?”

  Nia grinned, “No. What do you mean?” she asked sarcastically, blowing smoke in his face. As he waved the clouds away, Nia passed the blunt back to him.

  “I’m trying to be your boyfriend. Your whole swag. I can see myself being with you.”

  Nia looked up and said, “I guess. You’re cute or whatever but right now I’m just trying to take care of Pop.”

  Jerrell sucked his teeth, “Are you trying to curve me or nah?”

  “It’s not like that…. it’s just that I don’t have time for a boyfriend.”

  As the mood became tense between the two, they heard a shuffling coming out of nowhere. Both Nia and Jerrell looked back, “Did you hear that?”

  “Probably someone trying to get back in. Don’t trip…. I got it.” Jerrell said as he passed the blunt back to Nia.

  Nia stopped him. “Isn’t Willie still at the front?”

  Jerrell frowned at her, “His old ass has probably passed out by now.”

  Nia giggled as Jerrell moved past her.

  When he left, she sighed out in relief. She took a long pull from the blunt then exhaled. Suddenly there was movement in the alleyway and her bones stiffened.

  Nia leaned over and saw nothing, so she paid it no mind. The weed was making her paranoid, she assumed. Then came the sound of boot steps. Heavy boots pounded around the corner and she looked out in the faint light of the back alley, still she saw nothing. “Jerrell is that you?” She called to an echoing dark alley. “Boy stop playing.”

  Without warning, white lights crackled and whirling out of thin air came an armored soldier with his gun raised. “Target identified. Nineteen-year old Nia Carter.” It said in a cold stoic voice.

  Nia dropped the blunt.

  “It’s not mine. I was just holding it for my homeboy I swear.” she declared under the impression she was being held by a police officer.

  She held her hands up to shield her eyes from the bright light flashing on her face. She peeked over the corners of her hands to examine the soldier closer. He was covered head to toe in a gunmetal grey porcelain armor, four stripes of glowing beams placed where the eyes should be on his helmet, and an assault rifle that looked alien.

  “Target identified. Nia Carter is now in custody of the League and is to be handed over to Legion.” The voice was very harsh and metallic.

  Nia was dumbfounded. “Look bro chill it’s just some weed.” She pleaded. Then came two others appearing out of thin air. They uncloaked themselves and aimed red beams to her head.

  Nia had an outer body experience as she tried to wrap her mind around what was going on. It’s strange how you can see something on tv or read it in a book, but when it’s staring you dead in the face, you still can’t recognize it. Then Nia realized these weren’t police officers at all.

  Nor were they men.

  They were cyborgs.

  “You will follow the League or face annihilation.”

  Nia backed up. “Wait please. I don’t want no problems.” She begged.

  “Follow the League or face annihilation,” it repeated.

  “Please...please c’mon just chill,"

  As the heat of the weapons fell on her, a man appeared from out of nowhere.

  “I don’t think so,” he declared in a raspy baritone before burying a blazing sword into the cyborg.

  Sparks flew out of the chest of the cyborg as it fell to the ground in a heap. It thrashed on the ground, spewing black liquid until it exploded.

  The remains disintegrated into the air. Immediately the two others behind shot at the man’s head.

  Nia screamed as she stepped out of the way.

  The man clutched his left wrist to his chest and a blue shield of light covered him and deflected the bullets being fired his way. They bounced off the shield like pellets hitting a tin can.

  He charged the soldier on his right with the shield, knocking the weapon out of its hand. With his right hand he used the fiery sword to claim the other soldier’s head. Then he elbowed the one closest to him, ran his sword through its chest, and spun with his sword aimed at their necks.

  Bright flames from his sword fluttered like fireflies through the night, following behind the motion. Both helmets rolled off leaving two sparking corpses behind.

  Nia screamed as everything happened so fast around her. “What the hell?” she exclaimed as she stared up to the dark eyes of the towering man.

  Radiant sparks of light casted an alluring glow against the man’s smooth chocolate skin. He had wooly hair trimmed into a magnificent fro hawk and eyes of blazing fire. Nia became transfixed by his beauty instantly.

  “My name is Gabe. What’s your name?”

  She was almost too stunned to speak, but somehow she managed to moan “Nia.”

  Gabe took a step forward. “Nia, come with me love if you want to live.”

  White light crackled in the alley, and more of the cyborgs appeared. “Target identified. The League will apprehend.”

  Gabe put his sword back in the cover of his long camel coat. He held out his hand. “Come on!” he commanded.

  Nia grabbed his hand and together they dashed down
the alley. Bullets of light shot over their heads and Nia winced as the mysterious man lead her away from danger.

  He glanced over his shoulder to see how close behind the cyborgs were. She looked up into the man’s eyes and again saw fire in them.

  He was not afraid of danger.

  Better yet, he was thrilled by it.

  The more she gazed at him, the more she became intrigued. It was obvious that he was older. Somewhere around mid-thirties. Around six foot two with a perfectly chiseled face, and an perfectly manicured beard.

  Boot steps marched closely behind them. Nia peered over her shoulder. The League was gaining on them. “Who are they?”

  “Grunts from the League,” Gabe responded. “Hurry… my ride isn’t too far from here.”

  They came to a halt as an eight-foot gate stood between them and the exit of the alleyway.

  Nia looked to Gabe in fear, “It’s too tall to climb.”

  “We can jump it.” Gabe said calmly.

  Nia looked at him like he was stupid, “Jump?”

  Shots flew over their heads and they buckled to the ground.

  “Now. Jump!” Gabe barked.

  Together hand in hand, they jumped and leapt over the gate with a single hop. Nia gawked, “How did you do that?”

  Gabe smiled. “I’m capable of incredible things.”

  For a moment Nia felt breathless. The contrast of his pearly white teeth to his dark skin made her face flush with heat.

  “Firing Missile,” a metallic voice called from behind them.

  A shrill whistle stung Nia’s ears as the missile whooshed by them, and blew up the large green garbage bin in front of them.

  The heat of the flames kissed her face and hit them like a bus, throwing them both into the wall of a nearby building. Her legs felt riddled with shards as she struggled to get back on her feet.

  Gabe spun and pulled out his eagle eye handgun from his coat. It was a sleek pistol adorned in black and gold, that shot photons of light. He focused on the grunts that fired the missile and sank two shots in their helmets before they could fire again. He pulled Nia off the ground. “Come on let’s move.”

  They ran furiously, and Gabe looked back to see that the League was hot on their heels. With the gate blown to pieces the grunts marched behind with their guns raised. “You will not escape The League. Hand over the target or face annihilation”.

  Gabe and Nia scaled the end of the alleyway, and he led her around the corner. Nia saw a long vintage black Cadillac, “I hope this ain’t your ride. Because we won’t get far in this. It looks mad old.”

  Gabe ran his hand along the glistening side of the car, with the tenderness of a man caressing his lover. “This baby still has a lot of purr in her, and surprises too. Get in!”

  Bootsteps pounded from around the corner as the Cadillac roared like a panther awakening from its sleep. Nia whipped her head and saw that death was upon them.

  “The target will not escape The League. Fire missile!”

  “Oh snap!” Nia shouted as she pulled open the door and hopped in. “They are about to fire again. We have to get out of here!”

  Gabe was gripping the steering wheel tight when he looked over and said, “Hold on tight.” He punched the gas, and the Cadillac lurched ahead.

  Nia rolled down the window. The League soldiers fired another missile, and it was heading their way. G

  abe shifted the car and mashed the gas harder, and with the agility of a Ferrari the car side stepped the missile, and crawled alongside the adjacent wall.

  The missile whooshed past the car inches away and detonated a parking garage to their left.

  A wall of bright orange flames erupted, and the classic Cadillac zoomed through the fire unscathed by the flames.

  One grunt looked to the other. “Fire a tracer.”

  The League grunt took a knee as it peered into the scope and shot through the plumes at the Cadillac speeding away. “Tracer has landed,” it said as it stood and turned to the others.

  “We will reconvene and then continue pursuit once again.” The other grunt stated before they pounded their chests and teleported away in a crack of white lights.

  The explosion filled the alleyway with an acrid cloud of noxious smoke coming from the garage. Nia choked on the fumes as she pulled her hoodie up over her burning nostrils and pulled herself out of the window.

  With her heart thumping from her chest to her throat, she looked at the ruggedly handsome stranger who had just saved her. “Who the hell are you?” she asked again, her mind in total shock.

  The man sneered, “My name is Gabriel. I’m an archangel.”

  Chapter Two

  They had been driving for almost an hour in tense silence before Nia could find words again. She was still struggling to piece it altogether. Her mind had convinced her that whatever weed Jerrell gave her, was laced with something. Then she thought of going to a hospital. In the meantime, she had no idea where this strange man was taking her.

  Nia massaged her forehead, “Eff my life. This has to be the worst tweak ever. I have to be high and out of my mind.”

  Gabe grinned, “Why do you say that?”

  Nia shot him a look of disgust. “Are you kidding me? I just got chased by freaking robots bruh. Now I’m riding in a Cadillac with an angel.” She slapped her thighs. “I have to be dumb high,” she said in a nasally exaggeration.

  “Archangel,” Gabriel corrected. The look on his face was very sarcastic, and matter of fact. Nia shook her head, and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “It means I’m a warrior angel,” he continued.

  Nia’s face went stone cold. “Nice story bro, but I don’t believe in angels. Now cut the crap man, and tell me where you’re taking me.”

  Gabe looked back to the road, “I don’t know. Maybe somewhere out of the city. I just need some time to figure this all out.”

  Nia slapped the dashboard as she sat up. “To hell with that. Either you take me home or see me with these hands,” she threatened.

  “I can’t take you home!” Gabe barked, his voice more authoritative than before. “Don’t you see the League is after you? Your home is the first place they will look for you. They will not stop until they get their hands on you. Everyone you know is in danger.”

  “The League,” Nia repeated. “Who are they?”

  “Cyborg assassins that work for a demon named Legion.”

  Nia threw up her hands, “We got cyborgs and angels, let’s go ahead and throw demons in the mix too. All we need next are mermaids and Leprechauns.”

  Gabe nodded, “We could only be so lucky. Just be glad he only sent grunts after you. The ones in grey armor are feisty, but not that smart. It’s the ones in blue & yellow you have to look out for, and tuh…. I’ve only heard stories about the ones in red.” In the middle of the sentence, Gabe heard chimes in his head. He was being called to report in. “Hold that thought,” he said as he wheeled the car to an exit.

  Nia thought of Pops. If those cyborgs were heading to her home then he was in danger if he was still there. She had to warn him. She looked for her bag then realized she left it back at the store.

  “Do you have a phone? I need to call home and warn my father,” She said to Gabe as he parked near a pier.

  “Yeah, well I have to call home too. Wait right here and you will be safe.” Gabe looked to the dashboard and commanded, “Ascend.”

  “Wait!” Nia cried. As the words left her lips she became frozen as swarming bright lights engulfed Gabe.

  When the lights cleared, Gabe stepped off an elevator onto level three of Heaven’s elite intelligence headquarters, an organization known as SMITE. As soon as he made his way from the elevator, she blocked off his path. A stern faced woman with angry almond eyes. She was a higher ranking angel, a Dominion.

  Dominions are the supervising angels in charge of the duties of the others below them, and the lead strategists in the battle against the dark side.

  Evelyn was the most revere
d, and formidable Dominion at SMITE. Gabriel knew he was in for a lashing. She turned and walked straight back, motioning Gabe to follow to her office.

  He had only taken two steps before he was almost shoved back into the elevator by Raphael. “What the hell is going on?” he muttered quickly.

  Just like he talked, Raphael did everything fast. He was a hot head known as lightning strike amongst the other archangels, for his quick moves and tendency to act without strategy. The human vessel he chose reflected that as well, a tall lean man of Latin descent, early thirties with a mischievous wisp of a mustache.

  Dropping his voice down to a murmur, Raphael said “SMITE headquarters has never been compromised….and no one has a clue about what happened.”

  Gabe raked his gaze around, ensuring that no one listened to their private conversation. “I know. I was here when it happened. Evelyn gave me the mission to retrieve the stolen staff.”

  Raphael shook his head, “Good luck, brother.” He folded his arms and said “Not only is the staff of Moses missing, but I also heard not one but two Devils have landed topside, Asmodeus and Balthazar.”

  Gabe grimaced as both demons represented the most dangerous agents of CHAOS. Each demon had several legions of lower level demons at their command, and both of them ranked high on SMITE’s most wanted list, but neither demon compared to the menace of Legion, he was a malevolent wild card. Legion was a diabolic entity that the archangel encountered once before, and knew intimately.

  “They are not the only one’s topside,” Gabe said before pausing. “I just got through fighting a squadron of grunts.”

  Raphael’s eyes enlarged, “You mean—”

  “Yes—” Gabe finished. “Legion,” he said. The name held so much terror as it rolled off his lips, that the angels that passed by stopped and turned heads. Gabe looked over to his left, “Carry on.”

  Raphael pulled him into a brotherly handshake. “Good luck brother. Let me know if you need any help. Asmodeus is in Atlanta and Michael is dealing with him, while I go to Eastern Europe after Balthazar.”